A lady gets an examination before having a laser skin tag removal

What to Expect During Laser Skin Tag Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide


Understanding Laser Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are common benign growths that often appear on the neck, underarms, eyelids, and other areas where skin friction occurs. While harmless, they can be a source of concern for those who wish to enhance their skin’s appearance. Laser skin tag removal has become a popular and effective solution for individuals seeking a non-invasive and precise method to eliminate these small, protruding growths.

Consultation and Assessment: Your Initial Appointment for Laser Skin Tag Removal

The journey to remove skin tags through laser treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation and assessment. This initial appointment is crucial to ensure that the laser clinic, treatment specialist, and specific skin tag removal treatment offered are the right solutions for you. Here’s what you can expect during this process:

Medical History and Skin Examination

The practitioner will review your medical history during the consultation and inquire about any existing skin conditions, allergies, or medications. They will also thoroughly examine the skin tags to determine their size, location, and overall suitability for laser removal.

Personal Assessment

Only some may be ideal candidates for laser skin tag removal. Factors such as the size and type of skin tags and your overall health will be considered. The practitioner will discuss whether laser treatment is best for you or if alternative methods should be explored.

Discussing Expectations

The consultation is an opportunity to set realistic expectations. They will explain the laser removal process, the number of sessions needed, potential discomfort, and what results you can anticipate. This is also the time to address any concerns or questions.

Cost and Treatment Plan

The financial aspect of the procedure will be discussed, including the cost of the treatment sessions, any additional fees, and potential payment plans. A personalised treatment plan outlining the required sessions will also be provided.

Informed Consent

Before undergoing any procedure, you will be asked to sign an informed consent form. This document outlines the risks, benefits, and potential side effects of laser skin tag removal, ensuring you are fully informed and consent to the treatment.

Preparation Instructions: Getting Ready for the Laser Skin Tag Removal Procedure

Review Pre-Treatment Care

  • Read Instructions Carefully: Carefully review any pre-treatment care provided by the practitioner during your consultation.
  • Follow Recommendations: Adhere to specific recommendations such as avoiding sun exposure, discontinuing certain skincare products, or refraining from blood-thinning medications, as advised.

Skincare Routine Adjustment

  • Avoid Topical Products: Refrain from using any creams, lotions, or skincare products in the treatment area on the day of the procedure.
  • Cleanse Thoroughly: Cleanse the skin thoroughly to ensure it is free from makeup, oils, or other residues.

Avoid Sun Exposure

  • Sunscreen Application: If your procedure involves an area exposed to the sun, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the skin. Sunburned or tanned skin can affect the effectiveness of the laser treatment.

Hydrate Well

  • Drink Water: Stay well-hydrated in the days leading up to the procedure. Hydrated skin responds better to laser treatments.

Arriving at the Clinic: What to Bring and Wear

  • Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the treatment area. This ensures convenience for the practitioner during the procedure.
  • Take Off Jewelry: Remove any jewellery or accessories from the treatment area to ensure they don’t interfere with the procedure.

Laser Skin Tag Removal Process: Step-by-Step Breakdown

Laser skin tag removal is a precise and effective procedure designed to eliminate skin tags without surgery. 


  • Cleaning the Area: The treatment area is thoroughly cleaned to remove any makeup, oils, or debris.
  • Patient Comfort: You will be positioned comfortably, and safety measures, including protective eyewear, may be provided.

Calibration of Laser Device

  • Laser Settings: The practitioner calibrates the laser device based on the size, type, and location of the skin tags being treated.
  • Test Pulses: Test pulses may be administered to determine the appropriate energy levels for optimal results.

The Laser Device: How It Targets and Removes Skin Tags

The laser is delivered with a wavelength of 10,600nm in an array of Laser beams scanned across the skin, creating 100-micrometre columns in the skin.

The laser beam destroys the Mole or skin tag from the inside through a process called thermolysis (vaporisation). This action stimulates the production of new collagen, which helps with a faster healing process and rejuvenated, fresh skin. The CO2 laser mole removal procedure is non-surgical, minimally invasive and painless.

Sensation During Treatment: What Does It Feel Like

  • Mild Discomfort: During the procedure, you may feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation. Some describe it as a rubber band snapping against the skin.
  • Topical Anesthesia (Optional): A topical anaesthetic may be applied before the procedure to minimise discomfort.

Treatment Duration: How Long Will It Take?

  • Varied Duration: The length of the procedure depends on the number and size of skin tags being treated. It can range from 30 to 60 minutes.

Repeat Sessions (if necessary):

  • Multiple Sessions: Sometimes, multiple sessions may be required for complete skin tag removal.
  • Follow-up Plan: The Pro discusses the recommended number of sessions and the interval between each.

Possible Side Effects: What to Expect After Laser Skin Tag Removal

Immediately after treatment

  • Redness and Inflammation: It’s common to experience redness and slight inflammation immediately after the procedure.
  • Sensitivity: The treated area may be sensitive, and some discomfort or tingling sensations can occur.

First Few Days to Weeks

  • Redness Continues: The redness may persist for a few days to weeks, depending on individual healing rates and the number of skin tags removed.
  • Swelling Subsides: Initial swelling tends to subside relatively quickly.

Tissue Healing

  • Healing Process Begins: The body initiates the healing process, and the treated area may scab or crust as the skin tags disintegrate.
  • Avoidance of Sun Exposure: It’s crucial to avoid sun exposure during this phase to prevent pigmentation changes in the healing skin.

Weeks 2-4:

  • Scabbing or Crusting: If scabbing occurs, it typically falls off naturally, revealing the newly healed skin beneath.
  • Gradual Reduction in Redness: Redness usually starts to diminish during this period.

Weeks 6-8:

  • Fading Redness: The redness continues to shrink, and the skin returns to a more normal appearance.
  • Sensitivity Diminishes: Sensitivity and discomfort further diminish during this phase.

Months 2-3:

  • Complete Healing: Most individuals typically achieve total healing within 2-3 months.
  • Normal Skin Appearance: The skin should regain its normal appearance, with any residual redness resolving.

Possible Variability:

  • Individual Variations: Individual healing rates can vary, and some people may experience a faster or slower recovery.
  • Number of Skin Tags Removed: The number of skin tags removed and their size can also impact the duration of the recovery process.

Safety Measures: Ensuring a Smooth and Risk-Free Procedure

Ensuring a smooth and risk-free laser skin tag removal procedure involves implementing safety measures before, during, and after the treatment. 

Professional Qualifications:

  • Certified Practitioners: Ensure that a qualified healthcare professional with experience in laser treatments performs the procedure.
  • Licensed Facility: Choose a reputable clinic that adheres to safety standards.

Patient Education:

  • Informed Consent: Provide detailed information about the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. Obtain informed consent from the patient.
  • Clarify Expectations: Discuss realistic expectations, the sensation during the procedure, and the recovery process.

Patch test:

  • Test Patch: Administer test patches on a small area to assess the skin sensitivity and determine the optimal laser settings.

Protective Eyewear:

  • Eye Protection: You and the practitioners should wear protective eyewear to shield the eyes from laser light during the procedure.

Medical Grade Laser Equipment:

  • Calibrated Equipment: Ensure the laser equipment is calibrated correctly and regularly maintained.
  • Appropriate Laser Type: Choose the proper laser for skin tag removal, considering wavelength and pulse duration factors.

Hygiene and Sterilisation:

  • Sterile Environment: Maintain a clean and hygienic environment in the treatment room.
  • Disposable Tools: Use disposable tools or ensure proper sterilisation of reusable tools.

 Emergency Preparedness:

  • Emergency Protocols: Have protocols in place to handle emergencies or adverse reactions.
  • Access to Medical Assistance: Medical assistance should be readily available if needed.

Continuous Education:

  • Trained professionals: Through continuous education, healthcare professionals should stay updated on the latest laser technologies, safety protocols, and best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions: Addressing Common Concerns Regarding Laser Skin Tag Removal

Q1: Is laser skin tag removal painful?

A: Laser skin tag removal is generally well-tolerated, with most individuals experiencing mild discomfort. Patients often describe sensations such as tingling, stinging, or gentle warmth during the procedure. Topical anaesthesia can be applied to minimise any potential discomfort.

Q2: How long does the procedure take?

A: The laser skin tag removal duration varies based on the number and size of skin tags being treated. The procedure is usually quick and can range from a few minutes to around half an hour.

Q3: Are there any side effects?

A: Common side effects include temporary redness and swelling in the treated area. These effects usually subside within a few hours to days. In rare cases, there may be scabbing or crusting as the skin heals. It’s essential to follow post-treatment care instructions to minimise potential side effects.

Q4: How many sessions are needed for optimal results?

A: The number of sessions depends on factors such as the size and type of skin tags. While some individuals may achieve satisfactory results after one session, others may require multiple sessions. The healthcare professional will discuss the recommended treatment plan during the consultation.

Q5: Can laser skin tag removal cause scarring?

A: Laser skin tag removal is known for minimal scarring compared to other removal methods. Scarring is typically rare when performed by a qualified practitioner using a medical-grade device. Following post-treatment care instructions is crucial to support optimal healing and reduce the risk of scarring.

Q6: Is laser skin tag removal safe for all skin types?

A: Laser skin tag removal is generally safe for various skin types. However, the practitioner must assess the patient’s skin type and adjust laser settings to prevent complications. Darker skin tones may require extra caution to avoid pigmentation changes.

Q7: Are there any long-term risks associated with laser skin tag removal?

A: Long-term risks are minimal when a qualified professional performs the procedure. Proper aftercare, including sun protection, is essential to support healing and minimise potential risks.

Q8: Will the skin tags come back after laser removal?

A: Laser skin tag removal aims to provide long-lasting results. While new skin tags may develop over time, the treated ones will unlikely grow back in the exact location. Practising good skincare and maintaining overall skin health can help prevent the development of new skin tags.

Q9: Can laser skin tag removal be done at home?

A: Laser skin tag removal should be performed by qualified healthcare professionals in a controlled and sterile environment. Attempting to remove skin tags at home with laser devices poses significant risks, including burns, scarring, and infection. It is strongly advised to seek professional assistance for safe and effective removal.

Q10: How soon will I see the results?

A: Some individuals may see immediate changes in the appearance of the treated skin tags, such as darkening or shrinking. However, complete results may take time, with optimal outcomes typically visible within a few weeks to months as the skin heals.

Q11: Does private health insurance cover skin tag removal?

A: In most cases, laser skin tag removal is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage details. Patients should be prepared for out-of-pocket expenses related to the procedure.

These FAQs provide general information, but individuals should consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalised advice based on their circumstances.

If you think that laser skin tag removal sounds like the right treatment for you, book your initial consultation here.

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